Basque and Gascon Language Contact
by Martin Haase
Universität Osnabrück, Germany
Basque and Gascon are genetically unrelated and typologically very different
languages, yet they happen to be in close contact in the Southwest of France.
Overcoming genetical and typological differences, they have thus been able to
influence each other over the centuries. Moreover, in this century, French has
gained more and more impact on both languages.
1.1. Bilingual communities
On both sides of the language border we find a number of bilingual communities.
In these communities, speakers (from the age of about 40 to 45 upwards) who
define themselves as Basque or bilingual usually speak Basque, Gascon, and French
with equal native or native-like proficiency. Speakers who define themselves
as Gascon speak Gascon and French with equal proficiency. They know a few words
of Basque, but do not speak it; they usually understand Basque only to a very
limited extent.
As the parents-child transmission of Gascon has almost completely stopped after
the second Word War and substituted by French, it is nearly impossible to find
speakers of Gascon under the age of forty. Basque speakers are slightly more
loyal to their language. Some families keep on raising their children in Basque
and French, although French monolingualism is the rule.
There is a strong political movement in favor of Basque, whereas efforts to
conserve Gascon are very weak. So it happens that children of traditionally
Gascon (i.e. non-Basque) families may start learning Basque in evening courses
or the like. As a result, even in bilingual communities with a considerable
proportion of non-Basque Gascon speakers (e.g. Bastida / Labastide-Clairence
with about 70%) the Basque proportion is increasing, although this will not
delay the rise of French.
1.2. Commerce (market-place language)
Gascon is the traditional language of the market places in the North-Eastern
part of the Basque country (Eastern Lower Navarra and Soule).
The important market places of this area are in Bastida / Labastide-Clairence
and Garruze / Garris, the latter having been transferred to Donapaleu / St.
Palais about 25 years ago (with a remarkable change in linguistic habits from
Gascon to French).
People used to go to the market not only for commercial reasons, but also for
their amusement and in order to meet people. Among the social functions that
they fulfilled, they were a favorite place to pave the way for marriages. Traders
from Gascony came here to sell their goods, Basque farmers from behind the contact
zone also went to these markets, and had to have at least some basic knowledge
of Gascon in the field of commercial exchange.
1.3. Migrant farm hands
Young Basques used to go and work on farms in Gascony. This migration had two
reasons: First of all, they could improve their knowledge of Gascon. More important
was, however, the fact that only the first child (male or female) of a Basque
family would inherit the parents' farm, which could not be devided. Therefore,
the younger children had to find work outside the family-farm system of the
Basque country.
The market-place contacts and the migration of young people can explain the
high number of Basco-Gascon intermarriages, which in their turn account for
Basque names in surrounding parts of Gascony and vice versa.
1.4. Other ways of contact
Sheep breeding is a very important occupation in the Basque country. In the
search for good pasture places, shepherds travel around a lot, and come in contact
with people of different tongues. That is the reason why they usually show a
proficiency in an impressive number of languages: Basque, French, Gascon, and
Spanish as well as some sort of shepherd jargon, called 'Black Spanish', heavily
drawing upon Gascon and Aragonese.
A similar case is that of smugglers, although smuggling is not a traditional
craft of this area, since the political frontier became a customs-frontier only
in the second half of the 19th century.
Three ways of contact-induced change will have to be distinguished:
1. Gascon influence in Basque
2. Basque influence in Gascon
3. Changes due to language loss
It has to be emphasized that the phenomena we encounter in each of these cases
differ very much from each other (for the first two types of interference cf.
Thomason / Kaufman 1985).
2.1. Gascon influence in Basque
As can be deduced from the scenario presented above, Gascon is the more prestigious
language in the contact situation with Basque. It functions as a model language
(LM), whereas the latter is the replicant language (LR), borrowing from Gascon:
In this case mainly lexical borrowings are introduced, but on the long run subsequent
phonological and morphosyntactic changes come about. On a grammaticalization
scale this kind of language change procedes from less to more grammaticalized
Here is an example of a lexically based structural change: Negations are formed
on the basis of question words, to which an element e- or i- is prefixed (in
some dialects with metathesis, by which i¤or becomes nehor 'nobody').
If a sentence contains such an element a negation marker is (additionally) inserted
before the finite verb of the negative sentence. Here is a table of the ques-
tion/negation correlatives:
(1) nor 'who'
inor, nehor 'nobody'
non 'where'
inon, nehon 'nowhere'
noiz 'when'
inoiz, nehoiz 'never'
nola 'how'
inola, nehola 'no way'
zer 'what'
ezer 'nothing'
zein/zoin 'which'
ezein/ezoin 'none'
Especially in the Northern contact zones, some of the negative correlatives
are substituted by new negative words (negator nouns):
(2) instead of ezoin: bihi(r)ik 'none'
instead of ezer: deus(ik), fitxik 'nothing'
instead of nehoiz: sekula(n) 'never'
These nouns originally were independent lexical borrowings (bihi can still be
found independently), which have been grammaticalized as negator nouns in the
course of the time. With the exception of bihi, all of them can be used as negators
Lexically initiated structural changes include the introduction of new phonemes,
a number of modifications in the case system, restructuring of the tense-aspect-mood
system, new subordination strategies and other innovations. I have treated this
kind of contact-induced changes in Haase (1992).
2.2. Basque influence in Gascon
In Gascon it is almost impossible to find loan words from Basque, on the other
hand it shows a great many phonological and morphosyntactic peculiarities (with
respect to other Romance languages) which probably go back to Basque substratum
influence. On a grammaticalization scale such changes are located at the grammaticalized
pole. Substratum influence is due to prior language shift from a less prestigious
substratum language (LS) to a new target language (LT), in this case from Basque
to Gascon. As LS is less prestigious, speakers (i.e. language shifters) have
no interest in borrowing from that language, which they have decided to shift
away from. On the other hand, they do not have full access to LT. The new language
they speak is a version of LT modified under the influence of LS.
Basque words cannot begin with an [r]. Foreign words are integrated by prefixing
an anaptyctic [e], so the Latin loan word rege(m) becomes errege. Basque speakers
shifting to Romance were confronted with lots of words beginning with [r], which
they could not pronounce without an anaptyctic vowel. Since they did not use
Basque as a model language, the inserted vowel did not necessarily have to be
[e]. Actually, Gascon inserts [a] in such a context. Allires (1987) gives
examples of phenomena in Gascon which may be explained by substratum interference.
The important point here is that substratum interference does not result in
a 1:1 correspondance of linguistic items between LS and LT, all the more as
LS is not used as a model to draw upon.
An interesting morphosyntactic example in this context is the so called enunciative
(cf. Pilawa 1990 for details). In the dialects in contact with Basque, every
main clause contains an obligatory que (cf. (3) and (4), my own field-work data).
(3) La hemna qu' arrit. - Qu' arrit la hemna.
ART woman ENC laugh.
3S.PRS 'The woman is laughing.'
(ART: article, ENC: enunciative, PRS: present)
(4) Que lo bon diu que '[n]s perdoni.
COMP ART good god ENC us forgive
3S.SBJ 'May God forgive us.' (SBJ: subjunctive)
In Basque we find an element which is often taken to be the source for the Gascon
phenomenon, and therefore also called enunciative, viz. preverbal ba-. The equation
of the two forms is made too easily, because ba- can appear under conditions
where que would not (e.g. as marker of a conditional protasis), whereas it would
not appear with imperatives or subjunctives as in (4). The use of que can be
better explained: It serves as a delimitator of the verbal complex of a clause,
the enclitic object pronouns can 'lean' upon it (cf. (4) above), and just as
in Basque the verbal complex (containing both subject and object marking) can
freely be moved around in the sentence (cf. (3), scrambling word order).
2.3. Changes due to language loss
Gascon shows quite a number of changes which are due to language loss, as it
is more and more substituted by French. Basque seems to be more resistent. Loss
can affect all spheres of the language in an equally heavy way.
Here is just one example: Rusty speakers of Gascon tend to reduce the three-level
system of demonstratives and local adverbs (proximal, medial, and distal deixis)
to a two-level system; even Basco-Gascon bilinguals do so, although Basque has
a three-level system as well.
In this paper I could give only some limited insight into the contact situation
of the Western Pyrenees.
When we get nearer to the Spanish border, Castilian and Aragonese enter the
scenario (cf. 1.3. and 1.4.). The complex contact situation, including prestigious
'national' languages overlaying others, can explain the structural convergences,
which can be seen as the outset of a Sprachbund.
The distinction of different types of contact-induced change is crucial for
the understanding of the relation between language contact and change in general.
It also shows that contact-induced change depends on the sociolinguistic setting
(language prestige, shift, maintenance etc.) of the contact situation.
Allires, J. (1987), Gascón y euskera: afinidades e interrelaciones
lingüísticas, in: Cierbide Martinena, Ricardo (ed.) ([1987]): Pirenaico
navarro-aragonés gascón y euskera (V. cursos de verano en San
Sebastián), Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea: 181-198.
Haase, M. (1992), Sprachkontakt und Sprachwandel im Baskenland: Die Einflüsse
des Gaskognischen und Französischen auf das Baskische, Hamburg: Buske.
Pilawa, J. (1990), Enunziative. Eine sprachliche Neuerung im Spiegel der gaskognischen
Schriftkultur ( ScriptOralia 15), Tübingen: Narr.
Thomason, S.G. / Kaufman, T. (1988), Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic
Linguistics, Berkeley etc.: University of California Press.